General Practioner
In case of acute health problems (such as severe throat pain, cough, high fever, runny nose, cold etc.), it is necessary to visit a general practitioner. They may refer you to a specialist if needed.
Make sure you bring your proof of insurance.
If you register your EHIC or XX/CZ 111 documents with Czech health insurance company (such as VZP), basic medical attention should be provided free of charge.
Students with commercial health insurance (from visa countries) will need to pay in cash and ask their insurance company for the refund. Therefore, make sure you receive the receipt.
Opening hours
Urgent care in Brno
If you are having an acute illness or injury and your GP is unavailable, you can visit the urgent care (“pohotovost”). The urgent care is available on weekends, holidays, and from Monday to Friday between 5:00 PM and 10:00 PM.
In such situations, if you cannot go to your registered GP, the place to go to is the Trauma Hospital in Brno (“Úrazová nemocnice Brno”):
Úrazová nemocnice Brno does not provide emergency care for eye problems or ENT (ear, nose, and throat) issues.
Emergency eye and ENT care:
More information
Registration of EHIC or TR/CZ111 document
- To receive medical attention without any problems it is highly recommended that EU citizens with valid EHIC cards (European Health Insurance Card) and persons with confirmed TR/CZ111 forms register themselves at local public health insurance company
- It is a very easy procedure, free of charge
- It simplifies all possible appointments and covers costs by doctors
- After the registration, you will receive a document in Czech, that will serve as your “proof of insurance” during your stay in Brno and which you have to show to the doctors or at the hospital if you visit them
- Do not forget to tako you Letter of Acceptance with you!!!