The aim of the programme is to support international mobility of MENDELU doctoral students and their participation on conferences and research symposium. Furthermore, it should contribute to better results within doctoral students´ research and increase the quality of education process. It will help to interconnect the students with the research community and increase awareness about our university abroad.


  • the scholarship programme is awarded only in case of active participation on a conference or a research symposium upon confirmation of the accepted conference abstract
  • the scholarship amount is to cover the full amount of the registration fee at a European Research Conference, other costs are to be covered by the student, eventually by the relevant department
  • the scholarship is paid out in Czech crowns pursuant to the Financial Agreement
  • any costs exceeding this amount shall be borne by the student. The student can also search for offers of government scholarships in the selected country.
  • during whole year

How to apply

  • during whole year
  • find a suitable conference,
  • meet the qualification prerequisites for a traineeship,
  • carefully consider the selection of the organization abroad,
  • file an application in Contact Centre in the UIS and upload other required documents including conference programme
  • the participant to the selection procedure chooses and enters into the application the language in which he/she will take the exam on the basis of his/her choice of the main working language of the traineeship
  • students who have not carried out their international mobility yet will be given priority
  • applications are submitted during whole year
  • all students are informed about the selection process by e-mail
  • the application is submitted via the Contact Centre in the UIS


  • administration process of conference within bilateral agreements is the same for all outgoing students 
  • instead of Training Agreement you can upload programme of conference
  • letter of Acceptance from the receiving institution with dates of a summer school
  • enter the Travel Proposal into the UIS (eAgenda – Trips abroad; please consult the faculty – instructions in English can be downloaded here). 
  • insurance for the period abroad (including travel). The student is obliged to buy insurance for the entire stay abroad (including the days spent travelling from and back to the Czech Republic) under the general agreement of Mendel University prior to departure in accordance with Directive No. 4/2006, on provision of travel expense reimbursement and assignment of business trips abroad (all information is available here). Based on your travel proposal you can pay insurance online: students´s portal, financing of your study.
  • check/enter your bank account number in CZK into the UIS.
  • In case the student is accepted by the foreign university, he/she shall sign the Financial Agreement at the IRO prior to the departure, in which MENDELU undertakes to pay the awarded amount of scholarship. Before signing the Financial Agreement and payment of the scholarship, the student shall arrange an appointment at the IRO app. 2-3 weeks before departure and deliver the following documents:
    • Insurance payment confirmation
    • Programme
    • Letter of Acceptance
  • Check whether the mobility has been entered into the UIS. The internship abroad is entered by the International Relations Office of the relevant faculty (based on Acceptance Letter/confirmation of acceptation)        
  • Upload Letter of Acceptance, Programme and Insurance payment confirmation into a checklist in the UIS

Upon the return from abroad, the student is obliged to:

  • submit to the IRO a Certificate confirming the participation at conference from the partner university with dates of beginning and end of the conference. Original goes to the university IRO, copy to the Faculty.
  • fill in a Final Report in the UIS and upload missing documents into the checklist
  • Should the student fail to complete the study, to pass the prescribed number of exams or to meet other terms set out in the Financial Agreement, MENDELU may claim the refund of a part or the whole scholarship.


Ms. Katerina Brzokoupilova
building X
Office hours: Mo, Wed, Thr 9-13 by appointment only


during whole year
