Before your stay

Erasmus+ application procedure consists of two main steps:

  • Incoming students must be nominated through our online nomination system at by their home university coordinator

The deadline for nominations:

for the winter (autumn) semester: May 15

for the summer (spring) semester: November 15*

* We highly recommend to nominate the students who need a visa to study in the Czech Republic at least one month before the deadline to make sure they manage to get the required visa in time. 

  • You can make your OLA in the system of your university, on the website or send the Incoming Coordinator a paper version in PDF
  • Your OLA must be signed by the student and sending institution first!
  • To see a guide for filling in the OLA using website, please check the link below:
  • Information about our university to fill in your OLA
Receiving InstitutionMendel University in Brno / Mendelova univerzita v Brně
AddressZemědělská 1665/1, 613 00 Brno
Receiving Responsible and Contact PersonBohdana Čechová
Erasmus+ Incoming Coordinator
Start and end of the mobility in WS15/09/2025 – 06/02/2026
Start and end of the mobility in SS09/02/2026 – 03/07/2026
Start and end of the mobility of the whole year:15/09/202503/07/2026
LanguageEnglish, level B2
  • Students have the option to choose courses from any of our faculties, but the biggest (or at least the same) share of the courses which they want to follow, should be organised by the faculty of their study field. For example, three courses from the Faculty of Agrisciences, two from the Faculty of Horticulture and two from the Faculty of Business and Economics. Applicable for each semester.
  • Subjects taught in the English language for exchange students

Deadlines for submitting OLA 

for the winter (autumn) semester:  May 25

for the summer (spring) semester: November 25*

* We highly recommend to students who need a visa to study in the Czech Republic, to file their OLA at least one month before the deadline to make sure they are accepted in time to get the required visa.  

  • As soon as the Learning Agreement is confirmed by the MENDELU coordinator, it will be sent back to the student by email/OLA system
  • Each accepted student will receive an informative email with their username and password for access to the MENDELU University Information System (UIS) and detailed information for their stay
  • Students have to complete their personal details on the above-mentioned website before the end of August (winter semester) and January (summer semester)
  • Students can download their Letter of Acceptance from our UIS
  • Only after their official acceptance, students can book accommodation at our dormitory with their UIS login information

During your stay

  • If you are not accommodated at the dormitory, but accommodated in a private flat – you must go to the Foreign Police to register yourself there and tell them your Brno address
  • Students with EU citizenship within the first 30 days of their arrival to Brno
  • Non-EU citizens within the first 3 days after their arrival to Brno., to register myself there and tell them my Brno address
  • You will be required to fill in a form called Foreign Police Registration Form specimen
  • The officers don’t usually speak English, but the process is quite easy to manage without speaking Czech

Foreign police contact

Oddělení pobytových agend Brno

Cejl 62b

602 00 Brno

Office hours: Mon and Wed 8:00-17:00 Tue and Thu 8:00-14:00

  • To receive medical attention without any problems it is highly recommended that EU citizens with valid EHIC cards (European Health Insurance Card) and persons with confirmed TR/CZ111 forms register themselves at local public health insurance company
  •  It is a very easy procedure, free of charge
  • It simplifies all possible appointments and covers costs by doctors
  • After the registration, you will receive a document in Czech, that will serve as your “proof of insurance” during your stay in Brno and which you have to show to the doctors or at the hospital if you visit them
  • Do not forget to tako you Letter of Acceptance with you!!!
Where should I register?
VZP Insurance Company
Všeobecná zdravotní pojišťovna (VZP)
Benešova 10, 659 14 Brno
Go to the first floor and press the “European Union” button.
Office hours
Monday08:00 – 17:00
Tuesday08:00 – 15:00
Wednesday08:00 – 17:00
Thursday08:00 – 15:00only with prior appointment
Friday08:00 – 14:00

What should you do when you want to change your course selection

  • Please contact the responsible Faculty Coordinator/s within 14 days of the start of lessons
  • They must change your course selection in the University Information System
  • After your courses are changed in UIS, log in to your profile at and “Apply Changes” which should be electronically signed by the student and the sending institution or fill in Changes to (O)LA document as instructed by your home university
  • If needed, please check out the Changes to OLA Tutorial below
  • The deadline for making the Changes is 1 month after the beginning of the semester.
  • Every exchange student can register 2 sports at MENDELU’s Centre for Sports Activities for free
  • You must register the sport of your selection in UIS
  • If you want to extend your Erasmus+ stay from the winter to the summer semester, please download this form: Application of Extension and fill it in, don’t forget to sign and hand it to your Faculty Coordinator.
  • Please also fill in a new Online Learning Agreement 

End of your stay

  • After passing all exams every student must come to the International Relations Office to pick up two final documents before their departure:

1. Transcript of Records  – the list of all passed exams with the grades and ECTS credits

2. Confirmation of the Study Period – the confirmation with the dates of your arrival and departure, maximum is the first day and last day of the semester 

Welcome Week

Visa and Insurance


When is the deadline for applying to be an exchange student?

  • for the winter (autumn) semester: 15 June/ 15 May for non-EU
  • for the summer (spring) semester: 15 November/ 31 October for non-EU

When does the semester start and when is the examination period?

The harmonogram of the academic year can be found in Current info.

Who is the contact and responsible person at Mendel University in Brno? 

Both contact and responsible person is:

Bohdana Čechová,

When do I get my Learning Agreement (LA) confirmed?

It may take a few days or a few weeks since you or your coordinator sent it to us. Each Online learning agreement has to be confirmed by all three sides. Once it is approved, it is sent to you by e-mail along with a Letter of Acceptance and other documents.

I want to register for some sports. Are they for free?

Information on how to register sports can be found here.

Every student can register up to 2 sports during his/her study cycle for free. Additional sport activities have to be paid.

I am an incoming exchange student who needs to apply for a long-term visa or long-term residence permit. What documents do I need and how can I get them?

The most important documents for you are Letter of Acceptance and Doklad o zajištění ubytování (Accommodation confirmation). These documents will be sent to you via post service along with a confirmed Learning Agreement.

For arranging the Accommodation confirmation, it is necessary for you to book the accommodation and tell us where you will be staying. We strongly recommend you book accommodation at our halls of residence and eventually change the place of your stay after your arrival. If you choose a private flat, we can’t give you the confirmation, it is on the accommodation provider then.

We can send to you Accommodation confirmation only if you will book a room. 

I will arrive later. Is it a problem?

It is usually accepted by faculties if you arrive after the beginning of the semester (e.g. because you were waiting for your visa). But you may be asked to cancel some of your courses and make some changes in your LA.

How can I get a room at MENDELU Halls of Residence?

The process of booking an accommodation is described here.

I am a student with long-term visa or long-term residency permit obligation. What do I need to do after my arrival?

Student with a long-term visa: If you are staying at our halls of residence, you do not need to register at the Foreign Police, the registration will be made by the halls of residence. If you are staying in a private accommodation, you need to register at the Foreign Police within working days after your arrival.

Student with a long-term stay: If you are staying either at our halls of residence or in a private accommodation, you need to register at the Ministry for the Interior (Department of Asylum and Migration Policy) within 3 working days after your arrival.

See more information and addresses here.

I want to change a room or a dormitory.

First of all, go to the accommodation office at your dormitory and ask for a change. They should allow you the change if they have free capacity. Do not ask us at the International Office, we cannot do anything with your accommodation.

If you are a student with a long-term visa or long-term residency permit, you need to go and announce the change of your stay to the Ministry for the Interior (Department of Asylum and Migration Policy). Take your accommodation contract and your passport with you.

Find the address of the Ministry for the Interior here.

I want/need to change my LA.

If you need to change your Learning agreement, please log in to your profile at the webpage and fill in “Changes of Learning agreement”

What shall I do before my departure?

Stop by at the International Office to pick up a Transcript of Records (document with marks) and a Confirmation of the study period.

Please note that the documents must not be given to you more than one week before your departure!

Check also in advance if you have all marks in the system. If not, contact your teacher and ask him/her to add them. Even if you have failed or have not finished a subject, there must be either F (Failed) or any other mark in the system. Transcript of Records will not be given to you if some of the marks are missing.

How do I pay for meals in a university canteen?

Go to the canteen/menza, choose your meal, go to the cash desk and put an optional amount on your ISIC or chip you received at the dormitories. The amount has to be at least 100 CZK. If you do not have enough money for your next meal, you are asked to charge.

You can also charge money online through


Ms. Bohdana Čechová
ESN office (building X, ground floor)
Office hours:
Mon 13:00 – 16:00
Tue – Thu 12:00 – 14:00

Make an appointment here.