E+ International Credit Mobility supports exchanges of students and employees of universities with non-European countries that are not associated with the program. Mobility is realized based on successfully approved mobility projects with selected universities. The specific offer of universities may change every year depending on the evaluation of the submitted projects and their duration.


  • The student must be enrolled in a bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral study program.
  • Mobility options:
    • study stay – min. 3 months and max. 12 months
    • practical internship – from 2 to 12 months
  • The total duration of the mobility period shall not exceed 12 months, including any zero-grant period, which shall only be used exceptionally.
  • Obtaining at least 18 ECTS credits for each semester of study is necessary (bachelor´s and master’s degrees).
  • If a student does not meet the condition of completing 18 ECTS, he/she will be asked to return part of the allocated financial contribution in the amount of 1/30 of the stay costs for each outstanding credit. This does not apply if an unforeseen situation or event prevented the student from meeting the minimum requirements which the student was unable to influence, and which he/she immediately informed the program coordinator at MENDELU.
  • Doctoral students – the study stay/traineeship must be approved by the student´s dissertation thesis supervisor.
  • The recommended number of credits for doctoral studies is not specified.
  • When assessing courses that end in an examination, the outcome achieved at their completion is marked with the following grades: ‘excellent’ (1; A), ‘very good plus’ (1.5; B), ‘very good’ (2; C), ‘good plus’ (2.5; D), ‘good’ (3; E) and ‘failed’ (4; F), whereas courses where students earn course credits for their completion end either with a ‘credited’ (Z) or ‘non-credited’ (N) mark.
  • Students who do not attend their examination will be given a ‘failed to appear’ mark and will not pass the course. An examination can be repeated twice on a Resit date.
  • The Erasmus+ scholarship is intended to cover part of the costs related to the study stay/traineeship and contributes to the increased costs associated with the stay abroad.
  • The scholarship is paid by bank transfer to your Czech/Revolut bank account.
    • The scholarship consists of 2 components – accommodation costs and travel costs.
  • The amount of the scholarship for incoming students is 800 EUR/month.
  • Financial support cannot be used to cover costs that are already covered by other EU actions/programs – a student cannot be a recipient of an Erasmus Mundus (Joint Master Degree) and Erasmus+ scholarship at the same time.
  • To calculate the scholarship, one month is considered to be 30 days – if the duration of the study stay of full months is not observed, the scholarship for the last month is calculated according to the number of days, where one day = 1/30 of the monthly rate.
  • Travel distance means the distance between the starting point and the place of the activity, the rate is the contribution to the trip to the place of the activity and back.
  • Travel costs depend on the distance to the destination: 
100 – 499 Km180 EUR 
500 – 1999 Km275 EUR
2000 – 2999 Km360 EUR
3000 – 3999 Km530 EUR
4000 – 7999 Km820 EUR
8000 Km and more1500 EUR
  • The scholarship is paid based on signing the Grant Agreement for Study (SMS) / Grant Agreement for Traineeship (SMP) – signed after arrival
  • Student receives the scholarship in 3 parts:
    • 1st payment = after arrival, 70% of accommodation costs + 100% of the travel costs,
    • 2nd payment = the remaining 30% of accommodation costs are paid to the student after fulfilling the condition of min. 18 ECTS.
  • In case of shortening the stay, the scholarship is reduced by 1/30 of the monthly rate for each day by which the mobility was shortened.
  • In the case of SMS, if the student does not meet 18 ECTS, as follows from the Grant Agreement, he/she is obliged to return 1/30 of the total subsistence costs for each unfulfilled credit.

Before the mobility

  • The student has to be nominated for his/her stay.
  • The nomination is done after the call for applications at the student’s home university. 
  • The nominations are since March (for the following winter semester) and since September (for the following summer semester).

The deadline for nominations:

for the winter (autumn) semester: May 15

for the summer (spring) semester: October 30

Deadlines for submitting LA 

for the winter (autumn) semester:  May 25

for the summer (spring) semester: November 25

  • As soon as the LA/TA is confirmed by MENDELU E+ Credit Mobility Coordinator, it will be sent back to the student by email.
  • Each accepted student will receive an informative email with his/her username and password for access to the MENDELU University Information System (UIS) and detailed information for his/her stay.
  • Students have to complete their details on the above-mentioned website before the end of August (winter semester) and January (summer semester).
  • Students can book accommodation at university halls of residence with their UIS login information only after their official acceptance.
  • Following the Insurance Act No. 277/2009 Coll. and Act No. 326/1999 Coll. (The Act on the Residence of Foreign Nationals in the Czech Republic), it is necessary to have a valid health insurance policy to obtain a visa for foreigners coming to the Czech Republic.
  • Insurance coverage shall include at minimum health insurance and liability insurance and accident insurance.
    • Explanation: In the case of intra-European mobility, the participant’s national health insurance will include basic coverage during their stay in another EU country through the European Health Insurance Card. However, this coverage is not sufficient for all situations, for example in case of repatriation or special medical intervention or in case of international mobility. In that case, complementary private health insurance may be needed. Liability and accident insurance cover damages caused by the participant or to the participant during their stay abroad. Varying regulations of these insurances are in place in different countries and participants run the risk of not being covered by standard schemes.
  • In addition to the above, insurance against the loss or theft of documents, travel tickets, and luggage is recommended.
  • For students who come under the program E+ ICM is compulsory to order insurance for long-term residents of the Czech Republic if the students stay at MENDEU for more than 3 months.
  • The insurance must include:
    • Medical expenses,
    • Active assistance,
    • Transfer, transportation, and repatriation,
    • Accident insurance,
    • Liability insurance.
  • Czech insurance companies that offer health insurance for foreigners staying over 90 days:
  • More information

During the mobility

What should you do when you want to change your course selection

  • If you want to make changes to your courses, you must complete Changes to LA.
  • Changes to LA must be confirmed by the MENDELU Faculty Coordinator, the coordinator from the home faculty and ensure that a copy reaches IRO (International Relations Office).
  • Please contact the responsible Faculty Coordinator/s to change your course selection in the University Information System.
  • Changes must be approved within 30 days from the start of the study stay.
  • Every exchange student can register 2 sports at MENDELU’s Centre for Sports Activities for free
  • The student must register the sport of his/her selection in UIS
  • Usually, the extension of stay for credit mobility is not possible. If this possibility occurs, we will inform you about it. In this case, it is necessary to keep the following steps:
    • submit an Application for an Extension of the LA,
    • sign an addendum to the Grant Agreement concluded between the student and MENDELU before the end of the original study stay,
    • ensure that the maximum duration of the study stay, i.e. 12 months in one study cycle, is not exceeded.

End of the mobility

  • After passing all exams every student must come to IRO to pick up two final documents before their departure:
    • Transcript of Records  – the list of all passed exams with the grades and ECTS credits
    • Confirmation of the Study/Traineeship Period – the confirmation with the dates of the student´s arrival and departure, maximum is the first day and last day of the semester 
  • The student fills in the EU Survey Final Report in the European Mobility Tool+ database. After the end of the stay, he/she will receive an e-mail with a request to fill in the report.
  • Submission of the final report is a condition for drawing the Erasmus+ financial contribution.


When is the deadline for applying to be an exchange student?

  • for winter (autumn) semester: 15 May
  • for summer (spring) semester: 31 October

When does the semester start and when is the examination period?

Harmonogram of academic year can be found in Current info.

Who is the contact and responsible person at Mendel University in Brno? 

Both contact and responsible person is:

Hana Byrtusová, hana.byrtusova@mendelu.cz

When do I get my Learning Agreement (LA) confirmed?

Send to MENDELU E+ ICM Coordinator the filled Learning Agreement, signed by you and the responsible person at your university. Learning Agreement has to be confirmed by all three sides. Once it is approved, it is sent to you by e-mail along with Letter of Acceptance and other documents.

I want to register some sports. Are they for free?

Information on how to register sports can be found here.

Every student can register up to 2 sports during his/her study cycle for free. Additional sport activities have to be paid.

I am an incoming exchange student who needs to apply for long-term visa or long-term residence permit. What documents do I need and how can I get them?

The most important documents for you are Letter of Acceptance and Doklad o zajištění ubytování (Accommodation confirmation). These documents will be sent to you via post service along with confirmed Learning Agreement.

For arranging the Accommodation confirmation, it is necessary for you to book the accommodation and tell us where you will be staying. We strongly recommend you to book an accommodation at our halls of residence and eventually change the place of your stay after your arrival. If you choose a private flat, we can’t give you the confirmation, it is on the accommodation provider then.

We can send to you Accommodation confirmation only if you will book a room. 

I will arrive later. Is it a problem?

It is usually accepted by faculties if you arrive after the beginning of semester (e.g. because you were waiting for your visa). But you may be asked to cancel some of your courses and make some changes in your LA.

How can I get a room at MENDELU Halls of Residence?

The process of booking an accommodation is described here.

I am a student with long-term visa or long-term residency permit obligation. What do I need to do after my arrival?

Student with a long-term visa: If you are staying at our halls of residence, you do not need to register at the Foreign Police, the registration will be made by the halls of residence. If you are staying in a private accommodation, you need to register at the Foreign Police within working days after your arrival.

Student with a long-term stay: If you are staying either at our halls of residence or in a private accommodation, you need to register at the Ministry for the Interior (Department of Asylum and Migration Policy) within 3 working days after your arrival.

See more information and addresses here.

I want to change a room or a dormitory.

First of all, go to the accommodation office at your dormitory and ask for a change. They should allow you the change if they have free capacity. Do not ask us at the International Office, we cannot do anything with your accommodation.

If you are a student with long-term visa or long-term residency permit, you need to go and announce the change of your stay to the Ministry for the Interior (Department of Asylum and Migration Policy). Take your accommodation contract and your passport with you.

Find the address of the Ministry for the Interior here.

I want/need to change my LA.

If there are any changes in the study contract during the SMS stay, the student must complete the LA part of the During the Mobility form, have it confirmed by MENDELU Faculty Coordinator, the coordinator from the home faculty and ensure that a copy reaches at DIRI (Department of International Relations and Internalization).

What shall I do before my departure?

Stop by at DIRI to pick up a Transcript of Records (document with marks) and a Confirmation of the study/traineeship period.

Please note that the documents must not be given to you more than one week before your departure!

Check also in advance if you have all marks in the system. If not, contact your teacher and ask him/her to add them. Even if you have failed or have not finished a subject, there must be either F (Failed) or any other mark in the system. Transcript of Records will not be given to you if some of the marks are missing.

How do I pay for meals in a university canteen?

Go to the canteen/menza, choose your meal, go to the cash desk and put an optional amount on your ISIC or chip you received at the dormitories. The amount has to be at least 100 CZK. If you do not have enought money for next meal, you are asked to charge.

You can also charge money online through https://webiskam.mendelu.cz/.