Formal skills
Formal skills is defined as the abiility to handle the special structures of digital media. These structures are often referred to as hypermedia, meaning a nonlinear medium of information that includes graphics, audio, video, plain text and hyperlinks. Unlike conventional media, on digital environemts and especially the Internet, users cannot only move forward, but also backward and to unknown locations. For instance, using hyperlinks, maintaining a sense of location when accessing websites, surfing the Internet and opening search results.
Working with compters to create opportunity
Digital Twin : A Comprehensive Overview
Interactive Online Teaching with Demo
How to properly present PowerPoint slides in Zoom
Google slides
Basic Computer Skills – Skills To Help You Succeed
Open Education: Information / Digital Literacy & Research Skills – Virginia Tec
Open Virtual Mobility moocs
Educate -it – University of Utrecht
Tutorial Name: Android, Where’s My Car?
Tutorial Name: Mole Mash
Tutorial Name: Colored Dots
Tutorial Name: LEGO EV3 Tilt-to-Drive Tutorial