Bilateral Agreements
Conditions of the grant
- the student must be enrolled in an accredited study program at MENDELU (bachelor’s or master’s study program)
- the student has adequately completed at least the first year of study at the university (full-time, combined and distance learning).
- the duration of the study stay is at least 1 months (30 days)/a maximum of 12 months, the time spent by travel is not included
- the student with a citizenship of another state, who is interested in a study stay in the country of his/her origin, may participate in the mobility; however, it shall be assigned the lowest priority.
- The traineeship need not to be based on a bilateral agreement. Students of MENDELU either arrange for their traineeship themselves (e.g. through an agency) or through contacts of their home university.
- The traineeship shall be held in an enterprise, training or research centre or in another organization; the receiving organization must be a legal entity. The traineeship may also be held at one of our partner institutions.).
The scholarship covers:
- subsistance fee of CKZ 20,000 / month regardless the destination. After the first month the amount of the scholarship is calculated as follows:
1 – 7 days | CZK 0 |
8 – 20 days | ½ scholarship, i.e. CZK 10,000 |
21 – 30 days | CZK 20,000 |
- travel grant from 10,000 to 25,000 CZK according to the destination (click on detailed list)
- the scholarship is limited to a maximum amount of 40,000 CZK, plus travel expenses. If a student goes to mobility within the given study program more times, the individual scholarships are added up, while their sum may not exceed the amount of 100 thousand CZK.
- The scholarship is paid out in Czech crowns pursuant to the Financial Agreement. Any costs exceeding this amount shall be borne by the student. The student can also search for offers of government scholarships in the selected country.
- In case the scholarship exceeds the amount of 50,000, payment will be made in two instalments – one at the beginning of the internship, one in the middle taking into consideration payment due date.
- The amount of the scholarship to be granted is subject to the fulfillment of the conditions specified in the financial agreement and depends also on the decision of the Vice-Rector for International and Public Affairs. It may be redused based on the university budget.
- If any of the above conditions are not met, a refund may be required.
How to apply
- usually twice a year:
- October (1st round) – start of the internship from 1 January next calendar year
- March (2nd round) – for the internship starting from 1 May till the end of the calendar year.
- the SP includes: filing application and passing language exam
- the receiving organization may be any public or private organization operating on the labour market or in the area of education, professional training or youth (public or private enterprise, public entity on the local, regional or national level, professional association, business union, research institute, foundation, non-profit organization, institute or educational centre etc.)
- contact the international relations officer of your faculty and ask about the selection of the organization and other possibilities, conditions and dates of the selection procedure; for contacts see Faculty Coordinators
- final reports from mobilities (UIS – Public information portal → Further information about MENDELU → Study information – Reports about the abroad placements)
- focused internships – organizations with which students, or academics, have good experience already. This is a new initiative, the offer will expand soon.
- file an application in Contact Center in UIS and upload other required documents including the acceptance letter
- the participant to the selection procedure chooses and enters into the application the language in which he/she will take the exam on the basis of his/her choice of the main working language of the traineeship
- applicants who do not present themselves at the language exam shall be excluded from further procedure
- applicants who fail to obtain the required number of points and thus recommendation for a traineeship abroad shall be excluded, too
- after taking the language exam and obtaining points on the basis of other criteria, the applicants shall be ranked according to the total number of points, which shall serve as the criterion for provision of financial aid toward the traineeship
- students who have not carried out their obligatory traineeship yet will be given priority
content | points |
the choice of institution and the relevance of the practical internship in relation to the student’s field of study | max. 20 points |
the benefit of the practical internship for the student | max. 20 points |
the benefit of the practical internship for the university | max. 10 points |
maximum for an application | 50 points |
- applications are primarily submitted in the period according to the schedule
- all students are informed about the selection process by collective e-mail
- the application is submitted via the Contact Centre in UIS
- after the language exam and approval of the traineeship by IRO, the application must be approved by the faculty
- it is not necessary to wait until the status of studies for a given semester is as complete as possible before submitting the application (the final score for the facts documented in the application will take place after the end of the selection process)
- a letter of acceptance from the receiving institution specifying the workload (assessed and approved by the faculty) and the exact dates of stay is a compulsory part of the application
- The language exam in English, German, French, Spanish and Italian consists of a written part (paper version) and a short oral test (level B2)
- all students who wish to go abroad under the programme (language certificates might be recognised) must pass the language exam (except native speakers)
- for bachelor and master students, it consists of a written and an oral part – students apply for the examination dates through the Erasmus+ English course, where they must register specifically for both the written and oral parts
- for PhD students it consists of an interview only
- all information about the examination process and registration is given to students well in advance of the examination
- please come in time and bring an identification document (identity card or student’s record book) for the test. No aids except writing materials are permitted; the mobile phone shall be switched off and placed in the bag
- for the dates of the language examinations, see the schedule
- if a student has already taken the language exam in the past, he/she can have it recognised: IRO recognises the language exam 1 year back
- the student must apply to the Erasmus+ Traineeship Coordinator for recognition
- Written test:
- fill in the data in the heading and read instructions to test questions
- the written part consists of 40 partial tasks (each task is given 0.5 point) divided into several types of activities using various testing methods (answer selected from a menu, semi-open answer, created answer, transformation of information, matching, supplementing, completion of text etc.) on the intermediate language level
- vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension and language functions, i.e. the use of language to accomplish a practical task
- in order to pass the test, you must give at least 24 correct answers of the total 40, and thus obtain 12 points
- time assigned: 45 minutes plus 5 minutes for handing out and check
- Oral exam:
- after taking the written test, students sign in the rosters to the oral exam with individual teachers
- the oral part consists of an interview in duration of 7-10 minutes
- in order to pass the exam, the student must get at least 6 points out of 10
Before internship
- the traineeship abroad may only be implemented on the basis of a Traineeship Agreement (TA) executed by the three parties with all the details specified
- the TA must be executed before the departure for the traineeship
- by signing the TA, the person in charge confirms that he/she agrees with the traineeship plan of the student and that the content conforms to his/her study field
- the person in charge also confirms that the traineeship shall be recognized upon arrival and specifies the manner of recognition
- negotiation of the TA may take several months; therefore we recommend starting the process sufficiently in advance
- the student shall send the TA for confirmation to the receiving organization abroad
- the TA confirmed by all the parties shall be submitted by the student on the occasion of execution of the Participant´s Agreement
- confirms the student’s admission to a university/college abroad
- acceptance may be in the form of a formal letter or an e-mail
- in case the recipient university does not issue its own Letter of Acceptance, the student may use the MENDELU form (the student shall send it to the receiving university coordinator for confirmation)
- the acceptance letter shall contain the name of the student, name of receiving institution and dates of the planned study (exact dates from – to, incl. the orientation week, welcome activities etc.)
- in case the acceptance letter does not contain exact dates of the stay, the student shall also submit the printed schedule of study in the semester
- after receiving the Letter of Acceptance, the student shall:
- have the mobility entered into the UIS by the IRO officer of his/her faculty (he/she shall submit the Letter of Acceptance with dates of stay); the icon for bank connection and Checklists shall be displayed in the UIS afterwards
- enter the number of CZK account into the UIS (via Student´s portal → My study abroad)
- arrange for the Travel Proposal (UIS – eAgenda – Trips abroad), which shall be needed for the insurance
- on the basis of the Letter of Acceptance, the student will be issued the Financial Agreement, and the amount of the scholarship will be calculated
- serves for submitting documents for the traineeship
- the application can be accessed at the UIS Student Portal (after the student has registered the mobility into the UIS on the basis of the Traineeship Agreement)
- mandatory documents (i.e. those that have to be uploaded by all students into the application):
- before departure
- Traineeship Agreement (approved by the faculty), receipt of MENDELU insurance payment (approved by IRO)
- upon return
- Traineeship Certificate (approved by IRO), final report in the UIS
- before departure
- other documents are required only in case of extension of study period, changes in TA, etc.
- student uploads completed documents into the app (i.e. with all the signatures etc.)
- uploaded documents are automatically indicated as unapproved, until they are checked and approved by the person in charge
- all the Checklists documents must be approved by the person in charge (IRO Traineeship Coordinator or faculty IRO officer)
- the student can work on the document until it is approved
- the student concludes the participation contract with the Traineeship Coordinator at IRO at least 2 weeks before the planned departure
- the student must make an appointment in advance to sign the Financial Agreement
- before signing the Financial Agreement, the student uploads all mandatory documents to the Checklist
- the student must sign the Financial Agreement in person before departure abroad
- departure for mobility without a duly signed Financial Agreement and the required documents is not possible
- the student will recieve a scholarship on the basis of signing the Financial Agreement
During internship
- in case there are changes to the originally approved Traineeship Agreement (in the content or the person of the coordinator), they must be approved in writing by the sending institution as well as by the receiving organization
- the trainee shall fill in the form Changes to Traineeship Agreement, have it confirmed by the representative of the receiving organization and shall send it by e-mail for approval to the international relations officer of his/her faculty, which upon approval by the faculty coordinator shall refer the document to IRO and by e-mail back to the trainee
- extension is possible only upon agreement with the sending institution and receiving organization
- the trainee shall not be entitled to a grant toward an extended period of the traineeship, funding for the extended duration of the traineeship is subject to IRO approval
- the trainee first has his/her Application for Extension confirmed by the host organisation where he/she is doing the traineeship
- then he/she shall send the confirmed application by e-mail to the international relations officer of the home faculty for approval
- if the faculty approves, the application shall be sent to the IRO and the student should be instructed to adjust the Travel Proposal
- in cooperation with the faculty, the trainee shall modify the Travel Proposal, pay additional travel insurance and have the receipt of payment delivered to the IRO
- IRO e-mail the scan of approved application to the trainee
- an amendment to the Participant´s Agreement is sent by email to the student to be signed and returned to IRO
- after the amendment is signed, the student receives the scholarship
- it is possible after the agreement of the student with the sending institution and is solved by an addendum to the FA and a proportional reduction of the scholarship
- if the student does not comply with the minimum length of stay, i.e. 1 month (30 days), he/she must return the entire scholarship
After internship
- to deliver the Traineeship Certificate to the IRO (ORIGINAL confirmed by the traineeship provider no earlier than a week before the termination) within 14 days of the end of the traineeship
- in case the duration of the traineeship differs from the duration stated in the Participant´s Agreement by more than 5 days, an Amendment to the Participant´s Agreement is concluded IRO officer
- upload all documents to Checklists within 30 days of the end of the traineeship
- to fill in the Final Report in the UIS within 30 calendar days of receiving the login
- to return the unused financial support, if:
- the student did not comply with the length of the traineeship stated in the Participant´s Agreement
- the student did not meet the terms of the Traineeship Agreement
- the student breached the qualification conditions
- in accordance with the Directive on recognition of results of study and traineeships abroad within Erasmus+, the student is obliged to submit an application for recognition of traineeship results to the person who is in charge at the University
- this obligation has to be met within 7 days of the end of the traineeship
- the respective home faculties decide on recognition of credits and subjects
- please consult the international relations officer of your faculty and your Study Department on the recognition procedure
- If the student or a recent graduate fails to comply with the minimal duration of the traineeship, i.e. 1 month (30 days), he/she shall return the financial support in full
- if the student or a recent graduate fails to deliver the required documents by the deadline set by the sending institution, fails to take the compulsory on-line language test before and after the mobility, he/she shall return the financial support in full
- if the student shortens the duration of the traineeship by more than 5 days and the shortening does not result in the minimum duration of the traineeship, i.e. 1 month, the student must reimburse a proportional part of the allocated financial support depending on the length of the shortening
Ms. Katerina Brzokoupilova
building X
Office hours: Mo, Wed, Thr 9-13 by appointment only
- Training Agreement
- changes to the Traineeship Agreement
- Travel proposal – guideline
- Traineeship Certificate