E+ International credit mobility supports exchanges of students and employees of universities with non -European, so-called partner countries. Mobility is realized on the basis of successfully approved mobility projects with selected universities. The specific offer of universities may change every year depending on the evaluation of the submitted projects and their duration.


  • the student must be enrolled in at least the first year of a bachelor’s degree programme
  • students must be enrolled in an accredited study program at MENDELU (bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral study program)
  • the length of the traineeship period ranges from 2 to 12 months
  • the practical traineeship can be completed after graduation in the form of a so-called graduate traineeship
  • PhD students and selected students with fewer opportunities can do a short-term internship of a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 30 days (the possibility of a short-term internship depends on the approved project for each country, so please get in touch with the Erasmus+ ICM coordinator)
  • the student was selected in a due selection process
  • the student must be duly enrolled in studies at the faculty through which he/she is taking the mobility for the entire duration of his/her stay
  • the purpose of the traineeship is education, so it must take the form of training or preparation for future employment
  • financial support is not provided for independent research activities, i.e. collecting data for a thesis/dissertation, writing scientific publications or independent scientific research
  • the work must correspond to a full-time job (35 – 40 hours/week)
  • the student cannot carry out the traineeship in the country of current residence (Country of Residence)
  • the practical internship must be part of the study programme within which the student is undertaking the placement and must be approved by the faculty concerned and subsequently recognised by the student and recorded in the Diploma Supplement
  • successful completion of the practical traineeship abroad is conditional on successful completion and fulfilment of the activity plan approved by the TA
  • the programme is not intended for students who have come to the Czech Republic to study under the Erasmus Mundus programme
  • the sum of all Erasmus + study stays and traineeships at a given level of study must not exceed 12 months (including stays completed during LLP Erasmus)

TWO-MONTH INTERNSHIP FOR bachelor, master and PhD

  • The Hebrew University of Jerusalem – Israel 
  • Hadassah Academi College – Israel
  • Ben-Gurion University of the Negev – Israel
  • Bar Ilan University – Israel


  • University of Jordan – Jordan
  • Makerere University – Uganda
  • University of Abuja – Nigeria
  • The scholarship of the Erasmus+ program is intended to cover part of the costs related to the traineeship. It represents a contribution to the increased costs associated with the stay abroad.
  • The scholarship is paid by bank transfer to a euro account and consists of 2 components – accommodation costs and travel costs.
  • The amount of the scholarship for outgoing students is EUR 700/month.
  • For short-term mobilities, the financial support is 70 €/day until the 14th day and 50 €/day from the 15th to the 30th day of the activity plus travel costs according to the distance zone.
  • To calculate the scholarship, one month is considered to be 30 days – if the duration of the traineeship is not observed in the length of whole months, the scholarship for the last month is calculated according to the number of days, where one day = 1/30 of the monthly rate.
  • Travel distance means the distance between the starting point and the place of the activity, the rate is the contribution to the trip to the site of the activity and back.  
  • Travel costs depend on the final destination distance:
100 – 499 Km180 EUR 
500 – 1999 Km275 EUR 
 2000 – 2999 Km360 EUR 
 3000 – 3999 Km530 EUR 
 4000 – 7999 Km820 EUR 
 8000 Km and more1500 EUR
  • The scholarship is paid based on the signing of the Grant Agreementbefore departure 100% of travel and 70% of accommodation costs, the payment is made within 10 working days after signing, not later than the start of the mobility, usually, but not earlier than 10 working days before the start mobility.
  • The remaining 30% of the accommodation costs are paid after the delivery of all the necessary documents after the end of the mobility (especially the Traineeship Certificate).
  • Non-fulfillment of the terms of the contract is resolved individually in cooperation with the faculty.
  • Financial support cannot be used to cover costs that are already covered by other EU actions/programmes – the student cannot be a recipient of an Erasmus Mundus (Joint Master Degree) and Erasmus+ scholarship at the same time.

How to apply

  • Student can apply for the traineeship anytime during the academic year. 
  • The selection process includes submitting the application through the Contact Centre in UIS, including the motivation letter and other required documents, and passing the language exam.
  • Find a suitable organisation from the list of universities on offer.
  • Contact the Erasmus+ ICM coordinator at IRO and ask about the choice of organisation and other options, conditions and deadlines of the selection procedure.
  • Meet the qualifications for the traineeship.
  • Carefully consider your choice of organisation abroad.
  • Apply via the UIS Contact Centre and upload required documents including a cover letter.
  • the participant to the selection procedure chooses and enters into the application the language in which he/she will take the exam on the basis of his/her choice of the main working language of the traineeship.
  • Applicants who do not present themselves at the language exam shall be excluded from further procedure.
  • Applicants who fail to obtain the required number of points and thus recommendation for a traineeship abroad shall be excluded, too.
  • After taking the language exam and obtaining points on the basis of other criteria, the applicants shall be ranked according to the total number of points, which shall serve as the criterion for provision of financial aid toward the traineeship.
  • Students who have not carried out their obligatory traineeship yet will be given priority.
Study results (average)Maximum: 30 points
Language skillsMaximum: 30 points
Motivation and selection of the relevant organization in accordance with the field of studyMaximum: 30 points
Participation in Buddy System and activity in ESN MENDELUMaximum: 10 points
 Maximum for an application:100 points
  • Applications are primarily submitted in the period according to the schedule, however, it is possible to apply for a traineeship outside the selection period (at least 1 month before the planned departure).
  • All students are informed about the selection process by bulk e-mail.
  • The application is submitted via the Contact Centre in UIS.
  • After the language exam and approval of the traineeship by IRO, the application must be approved by the faculty.
  • It is not necessary to wait until the status of studies for a given semester is as complete as possible before submitting the application (the final score for the facts documented in the application will take place after the end of the selection process).
  • A motivation letter is a compulsory part of the application.
  • The language exam in English, German, French, Spanish and Italian consists of a written part (paper version) and a short oral test (level B2).
  • All students who wish to go abroad under the Erasmus+ programme (language certificates and other exams are not recognised) must pass the language exam (except native speakers).
  • For bachelor and master students, it consists of a written and an oral part – students apply for the examination dates through the Erasmus+ English course, where they must register specifically for both the written and oral parts.
  • For PhD students it consists of an interview only.
  • Please come in time and bring an identification document (identity card or student’s record book) for the test. No aids except writing materials are permitted; the mobile phone shall be switched off and placed in the bag.
  • For the dates of the language examinations, see the schedule.
  • if a student has already taken the language exam in the past, he/she can have it recognised: IRO recognises the language exam 3 years in arrears.
  • The student must apply to the Erasmus+ Traineeship Coordinator for recognition.
    • fill in the data in the heading and read instructions to test questions
    • the written part consists of 40 partial tasks (each task is given 0.5 point) divided into several types of activities using various testing methods (answer selected from a menu, semi-open answer, created answer, transformation of information, matching, supplementing, completion of text etc.) on the intermediate language level
    • vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension and language functions, i.e. the use of language to accomplish a practical task
    • in order to pass the test, you must give at least 24 correct answers of the total 40, and thus obtain 12 points
    • time assigned: 45 minutes plus 5 minutes for handing out and check
    • discarded materials are published here
    • after taking the written test, students sign in to the oral exam with teachers of the Department of Languages and Cultural Studies through rosters in the classroom
    • the oral part consists of a 7 – 10 minute’s interview per candidate
    • in order to pass the exam, you must get at least 6 points out of 10
    • in case you cannot participate in the written test on the set date (only serious reasons accepted) you must excuse yourself in writing (e-mail is sufficient) at kamila.hercova@mendelu.cz at the latest two days before the test
    • a later apology shall be disregarded and the application shall be excluded
    • please enter into the Subject line: “OMLUVENKA JT”, you will be scheduled for an alternative date
  • Selection procedure results:
    • the results of the selection procedure shall be published by the faculty international relations officers in the method usual at the faculty concerned

Administration of the mobility

  • Traineeship Agreement (TA), at least 6 weeks before the start of the mobility. TA must be in accordance with the student´s study plan
  • TA must be signed before the departure to the traineeship.
  • At the international office of the faculty, the student will present a Letter of Acceptance from the receiving institution, according to these data, the faculty coordinator will introduce the student´s mobility to UIS. Suppose the recipient university does not issue its own Letter of Acceptance, the student may use the MENDELU form (the student shall send it to the receiving university coordinator for confirmation).
  • The student will arrange a euro account for sending the scholarship.
  • Create a Travel proposal and pay for the insurance, there is an option to pay for the insurance online.
  • Student uploads the completed TA, paid insurance and account number to the Checklists.
  • Send the pre-filled Grant Agreement (with your personal data) to the E+ ICM Coordinator and make an appointment to sign the GA (hana.byrtusova@mendelu.cz).
  • The Erasmus+ Student Charter and General Terms are part of the Grant Agreement.
  • There is visa information at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic
  • If there are any changes in the study contract during the SMP stay, the student must fill out the Changes to Traineeship Agreement and have it approved.
  • Immediately inform MENDELU about any changes (shortening or extension of your stay) and any problems with the fulfilment of the TA.

Usually, the extension of stay for credit mobility is not possible. If this possibility occurs, we will inform you about it. In this case, it is necessary to keep the following steps:

  • to obtain written consent from the receiving and sending institution to extend the traineeship period,
  • submit an Application for an Extension of the Traineeship,
  • sign an addendum to the Grant Agreement concluded between the student and the sending institution before the end of the original traineeship period,
  • ensure that the maximum duration of the study stays and traineeships is not exceeded, ie 12 months in one study cycle.
  • The student fills in the EU Survey Final Report in the European Mobility Tool+ database. After the end of the stay, he/she will receive an e-mail with a request to fill in the report. Submission of the final report is a condition for drawing the Erasmus+ financial contribution.
  • The student delivers the Traineeship Certificate to IRO, which will be issued and confirmed by the host organization before the student´s departure (within 15 days of the end of the traineeship). The confirmation must contain the participant’s name and the start and completion date of the traineeship.
  • ATTENTION! The certificate must not be older than 5 days before the end of the stay!
  • The student will secure recognition of completed courses at the faculty.
  • Remember that recognising a pre-approved study plan is a condition of the Erasmus+ program.
  • The student applies for recognition even if he/she does not lack credits for graduating from MENDELU.