Identifying / developing the scientific / academic challenges / opportunities to be successful in my mobility tasks.
Academic or scientific challenges and/or opportunities are important stimuli that we use to conceptualize or develop the framework and contents of the output we wish to produce as a result or as evidence of the productivity and success of our mobility activities.This is normally associated with the tasks or instructions we received prior to the travel and form the basis or core of the task we need to do.We respond to this challenge by completing the following activities.
Identifying / developing the scientific / academic challenges / opportunities to be successful in the development of further collaborative tasks or research projects.
Further collaboration following mobility visits are important activities to perpetuate and build ongoing productive engagement on themes and topics as evidence of the common interest that was established with colleagues and collaborators during mobility visits. We establish and define frameworks and contents as basis to continue the collaborative activities and outputs we wish to produce. To achieve this collaboration we need to complete the following activities.
Building publication networks during and after mobility visits
Publication networks are important opportunities and resources we need to establish and build to allow us to grow our publication outputs and activities. This is a resource that is always important and that can serve you for the rest of your academic career. Such networks should not only assist you to grow your number of publications and intellectual outputs but also serve as sources of inspiration, innovative ideas, creative intellectual energy and a productive output system. To build such a system you need to do the following.
Optimizing academic interaction during a mobility
Success during a scientific or academic mobility visit at a hosting institution is the result of the activities, diligence, productivity and interaction that we undertake to build the visit. The frequency and quality of academic interaction we undertake during such a visit is very important to ensure that we build the outputs we need for a successful mobility visit. To ensure that we plan and execute the best activities for optimum success, we need to follow these guidelines.
Accepting or agreeing on research ethics and integrity issues during mobilities
Research ethics and integrity are fundamental components of the planning and structuring of any research project or task. The contents thereof and the implementation of the guidelines are, however, sometimes different between different institutions. It is important to understand what to expect and which the important aspects will be when planning such collaborative activities. Some important information and guidelines for developing this research ethis programme can be found here.
Negotiating and overcoming the research legal issues and protection challenges when publishing after a mobility
Publication outputs and intellectual property generated during research and collaborative activities mostly attract important academic, legal and intellectual property issues that need to be sorted out and agreed upon BEFORE such activities are undertaken. This is a very important and sophisticated field of activities and should be completed in collaboration with your institution’s academic management. Important guidelines can be found here.
Meeting expectations of mobility (outcomes, etc.)
Expectations prior to a mobility visit are important to help us to structure and plan our activities. To succeed in making this aspect productive, effective and efficient, you need to be very sure what your expectations are for this particular mobility visit. What do you wish to achieve? What will give you the experience of a successful visit? Some important guidelines to help you plan this aspect can be found here.
Answering to your aspirations (career improvement, etc.)
Irrespective of whether we are just embarking on an academic career or whether we are well advanced, we still have objectives or aspirations we would like to achieve or experience. Collaborative scientific mobilities are important tools and opportunities we can use to achieve or realize these objectives this. But mobilities are opportunities to assist us in building this career and it’s up to each one to build or develop or structure mobilities to contribute to achieving these career aspirations. See here for some useful guidelines and information on how to achieve this.