Developing suitable teaching and learning methods for the situation
Every teaching and learning opportunity at a host institution requires its own development and the method in which it will be conveyed. It is a teaching and learning event so it needs to meet the requirements of such an activity. The message, structure, content, learning activities and assessment of such an event need to be accurate to meet the requirements. Find out what should be done.
Adapting to the student teaching and learning culture at the destination institution
Student communities globally at every institution have their expectations, culture of learning, research and community participation as well as their habits of interacting with the academic process. This includes class attendance, class activities and group behaviour. For optimum efficiency the visitor should integrate into this culture. Find out how to prepare for this.
Developing my teaching and learning schedule at the destination institution
Planning the teaching and learning schedule is an important way of optimising the impact of the lecture series that you will offer. Not only the timing but also the sequencing of lectures and the integration with assessment opportunities will be important. Optimizing the impact of each lecture and also the series is an important way of ensuring maximum benefit and impact. Good communication and focusing on objectives are important tools. Get some really practical perspectives on this.
Assessing my available resources to complete my tasks
Resource planning and utilization is important to make sure that you make the most of the available resources you have. This includes decisions around the spending of the resources, the staggering of procurement events, the cost paid for important items as well as the planning of daily sustenaince expenses. It is also important to understand how you can extend your available resources by using skills like negotiating, decision making, planning, etc. See how it can work efficiently.
Developing networks to complete my tasks successfully at the destination institution
Networks are very important tools to expand your influence and your colllaboration possibilities. It can also be a very powerful tool to build research hubs to assist you with your efforts to increase your body of knowledge on particular aspects and knowledge and skills areas. Networks are also very useful tools and method you can use to improve the longevity of your impact and outputs of the work you produce. Developing sustainable networks is an important skill to master. Find out how.
Gaining access to top scientist/opinion leaders to increase my own networks and expertise
Top scientists and scholars are very important resource people on the academic path of both researchers and students. The can provide very helpful and important insights, advice and perspectives on pathways and actions to follow to achieve your objectives. Carefully selected scientists or opinion leaders can also offer very good advice on possible future important research topics and themes that you can work on and build networks around. Learn how to do it.
Meeting peers in own subject to discuss and develop collaborative opportunities
Initiating and building peer groups around your research, social, personal interest or academic interest groups are very powerful and important actions to stimulate the formation of networks and eventually research groups. Learn the skills to initiate such groups and build the interest of peers to come together and grow the power of collective learning and thinking for building a arsenal of stronger, more influential, successful and potentially lucrative activities with relevant and well aligned knowledgeable people for a future scientific and research career. Learn to identify, contact, engage and grow the value and contributions of such people in your scientific and research career.
Overcoming the language barrier in destination institutions
Learning the skill and art to overcome the barriers created by different languages is very important to grow your sphere of influence and expand your possibilities to communicate your ideas and share your viewpoints and theories. Speaking a common language is also the most important way of building trust and understanding while expanding on the body of common knowledge between and among individuals. It is an important skill to have if you can adapt in situations with foreign languages. Find out how.
Orientating my academic work and relationships in the destination institution
Every academic institution has its own focus areas and points of emphasis when it comes to any academic field. It is important to align yourself with that perspective without giving up your own interest and focus but gaining the interest of the host students and researchers. Such orientation can also be important in building your influence and gaining access to top researchers and your peers. Plan it carefully and practice the skills. See how.
Orientating myself in surviving in society outside the academic environment in the destination country
Social engagement and interaction are very important components to ensure a successul and satisfactory mobility experience. Since the host university is often not a well-known environment, it is very important to develop suitable and effective skills and competences to get aquainted with and become functional in the new environment. To do this effectively, it is important to start by orientating oneself for life in the new environment. Get some ideas here.
Understanding social conventions and informal institutions in destination countries for optimum mobility experience
Social conventions are very important institutions that teaches and informs one concerning the habits, rules and preferences in the way a society functions and structures its dynamic relationships. Shows what is considered “good manners and acceptable behaviour”. Successful mobilities have as foundation the ability to adhere to and support such conventions in society and the academic community, and promote a satisfying and rewarding mobility experience. Get guidance here.
How to deal with academic environment in the destination institutions and countries
Like any social institution, universities consist of people that often come from very different social, economic and cultural backgrounds. They have their own unique dynamic composition, conventions and constitutions, creating institutions with a very specific functioning, vision and expectations of what they would like to achieve. Being a visitor at such an institution creates many opportunities to grow in our understanding of societies and their unique way and structure of academic life and the way they engage with and pursue their expectations and outcomes. As a visiting mobility scholar it is important to become as efficient as possible very soon in such new academic environments. See how here.
How to deal with society and social life outside the academic environment in destination institutions and countries
Life at visiting universities always include contact with and participation in social and friendship activities outside the university environment. This not only enriches the sustenance experience of the place but, more often than not, can lead to the building of lasting friendships and relationships that create strong collaborative and ongoing productive actions and events. This again emphasizes the importance of students and staff purposefully engaging with the social surroundings at host institutions to create a lasting positive mobility experience. Get information here.
Planning and managing travel and accommodation needs in destination countries
The newness and strange environment associated with international mobility travel often demands careful consideration and planning to ensure that the necessary tasks are completed and the demands of the mobility met so that there will also be time and resources to complete other rewarding activities to create a generally pleasurable mobility experience. Get it right by getting some ideas here.
Financial management and budgeting to meet mobility requirements with the available mobility funding
Financial and other resource planning and management skills are very important to ensure that the resources that are made available to you reach as far as possible to optimize the mobility experience at the host institution. Normally the resources made available for mobility are based on a formula and are very strictly managed as such. In this sense, it is important to know that preparation planning, monitoring activities and the eventual reconciliation of the resources when reporting back to your home institution, are essential activities. You can find very useful information here to assist you in succeeding with this process here.
Generally creating a rewarding mobility experience for myself
So you have been rewarded with the opportunity to go on a mobility! Well Done! But now it’s important to remember that YOU determine the quality of your mobility experience. You have the opportunity to decide what you wish to do and how you would like to complete your mobility assignment. This calls for carefull planning and decision making. Go here for some ideas.
Effective communication skills (language skills, conflict management, social interaction, etc.)
The demand for good communication skills and competences is fundamental to the success of any mobility. This is the way that correct and solid understanding is established. These are skills and competences that can be acquired. See here to get some ideas how.
Developing and following definite learning strategies in the mobility (innovation and originality skills, critical thinking, post arrival orientation, etc.)
Every mobility task and assignment demands a particular strategy and way of applying critical thinking, a sense of originality and some definite learning strategies for optimum success. This means different skills and competences to achieve important milestones or complete tasks. See here for some ideas.
Sufficient support levels (for successful completion of mobility)
The complexity, expectations and administrative demands associated with mobilities call for very effective and supportive structures to ensure that the objectives of such mobilities are met. For the student or staff member and the institutions involved. Such support should include anything from administrative and study support to personal growth support and guidance. Some ideas for such support mechanisms can be found here.
Essential guidance and leadership (to meet objectives of mobility)
Academic guidance and leadership for successful mobility achievement and experience are essential. The skills and competence for academic enquiry and understanding while writing and reporting on academic assignments are very important. These competencies are considered career-building blocks for further development. They are also very important for growing academic conceptualizing skills and competencies to allow the student to develop more sophisticated learning strategies and competencies. Get some ideas for such skills here.